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Human Ear


The human ear is one of the most important organs and plays a number of roles in the human body that you may have known or unknown to you. This is the organ whose main functions are hearing and keeping the balance of the human body. Not only human beings but also other animals have this organ that plays the most important role to receive signals from others. 

You need to bear in mind that there are a lot of differences between the human ears and the ears of other animals. If you have little knowledge about the human ears, this post is only for you because you will be able to know a lot of information about the function of the human ears at a glance. Keep reading and know more about the human ears.

What are the parts of the human ear?

You will be happy to know about the parts of the human ear. There are three parts of the human ear. The parts are – the Outer Part, the Middle, and the Inner Ear.

All the parts of the human ears play a very important role at the time of hearing the sound and make good concentration between the eyes and brain of the body.

A person will not be able to hear sounds smoothly if he faces any problems among them. The outer part is located outside of the head and the other two parts are located on the inner sides of the human head. 

The outer part of the human ear is visible and the other two parts are not visible easily. You need to use medical equipment if you want to see the inner parts of the ear.

Human Ear Steps

The Outer Ear

The outer ear of the human body is visible and the rest two parts are not visible like that. The medical term uses for this part is the auricle or pinna. This part is visible and plays a very important role in the human body. 

It mainly consists of cartilage and skin. It is a very soft part of the human head. You will be happy to hear that there are also three parts to this and the parts are the tragus, helix, and lobule. 

The primary function of hearing is done by the outer part of the human ear. The waves of sound and noises enter by this and travel through a narrow gateway that is called a canal that leads the running wave to the eardrum. 

When the saves hit on the eardrum that makes a vibration and divides the sound into three tiny bones in the middle ear. The tinny parts are named here the malleus, incus, and stapes.

The Middle Ear

Where the outer part of the human ear has ended, the middle part of the ear has begun. According to the opinion of an audiologist, the payment of the inside of the eardrum is called the middle ear. You already know that there are 3 small bones of the human body located in the middle ear. 

They consider the smallest bones of the human body that are found here. They are the malleus, the incus, and the stapes.

All of them have other names such as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. All these three bones play a very important role in the purpose of making the waves.

the price function of the middle ear is making vibrations. This is the part of the human ear that always works to convert the Waves coming from the outer part of the human ear and convert them into vibration for the eardrum. 

This is the most important part of the human ear because this part always works to convert the Waves into vibration for the eardrum.

The Inner Ear

This is the last part of the human ear and it always plays the most important role in the purpose of the hearing. This part has a direct connection between the brain and eyes that also always work for making the balance of the human body. 

The inner ear divides into two main parts and parts the cochlea which is the hearing portion and the other semicircular canal is the balance portion. 

There are a lot of nerve collections at the ending point of this part. Because all these connections transfer the electric signals to the brain for the purpose of creating sensitivity to the sound.

The main functions of the inner part of the human ear are making vibrations by the upcoming waves from the outer part of the ear through the middle part. It always works with transforming the vibration into electrical impulses. Moreover, it travels with them into the eighth nerve which we know the auditory nerve directly to the brain.

After this, the brain interprets these signals and helps to hear everything within a few seconds.

The inner part of the human ear plays another role in keeping the balance of the human body. This part is called the vestibular organ which is responsible for the balance of the human body. 

So it can say that the airs of the human body mainly place two rules. Moreover,  they are hearing the sounds and keeping the balance of the human body.


From the above discussion, we can say that the human ear is the most important organ of the human body that plays a vital role in the purpose of hearing. The human ear has three major parts and they are the outer inner and middle.

All three parts of the ears are always working restlessly so that the human ear can generate adequate electrical impulses to the brain. For the purpose of hearing the sounds comes from the outer side. This processes in the middle part and implementation in the last part of the ear.

Another function of the human ear is to keep the proper balance of the human body so that human can control their body moving from one place to another place easily without any difficulties.

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