What is speech delay


There are some causes of hearing loss, mental retardation, expressive language impairment, delay in speech development. Moreover, it also includes psychosocial deprivation, autism, elective mutism, receptive aphasia, and cerebral palsy are just a few conditions that might cause a delay in speech development.  In other words, bilingualism may be a secondary cause of speech impediment. […]

Neurological speech disorders


Todays we will discuss about the reason of  neurological speech disorders  Various neurologic conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, or ALS, may cause neurologic voice abnormalities. Additionally, a stroke may cause them. It is possible that these conditions may weaken the muscles that govern the voice box and affect the ability to […]

Developmental stages of a childs Speech and Language


Developmental stages of a childs speech and language differently, even within the same family. In most cases, children learn linguistic skills as a natural part of their development. There are a number of milestones which can provide a general indication of how a child is developing. Healthy speech and language development are dependent on the […]

What part of the brain is responsible for speech and language


Todays we will discuss the valuable topic which is What part of the brain is responsible for speech and language. The human body cannot prevail without the brain, but neuroscience has a long way to go before fully grasping its incredible potential. For the time being, our Brain Control series examines what is known about […]

What is speech and speech mechanism


A speech mechanism or speech production is essential to language functioning, as it serves as the primary means of linguistic communication. There are two applications for it. In either case, it may be written or spoken. As a matter of fact, the spoken word has a more significant impact than the written word. Linguistics refers […]

Speech Language Pathologist working area


A speech-language pathologist is a professional who works with people  to swallow abilities and  develop their communication power . The concepts of swallowing and communication encompass a wide range of physiological functions. However, communication includes speech production and fluency, intellect, language, resonance, voice and hearing. Throughout this work, the terms communication and swallowing refer to […]

Who are the Speech Language Pathologist


The responsibility of A speech-language pathologist is massive. Moreover, they work on human speech, like the sound. The speech language pathologist is responsible for finding out the issues of this problem and making a treatment plan for the patient. Some cases, they apply the therapy that’s why we called them as a therapist. Additionally, they […]